Goodbye Forums

10th May 2021

If you’re familiar with our team, you know that we read everything that comes our way from the community, and I mean everything— comments on social media, messages on our Discord and Reddit, and, of course, everything on our official forums. While we love hearing from you, we’ve made the difficult decision to sunset the BYG forums. Of all our platforms, our forums have been the most difficult to maintain to the standard we like. Instead, we will be focusing our energies on Discord and Reddit.

Here’s how it’s going to go down.

Next week, on Monday, May 17, 2021, we’ll be locking the BYG Forums and turning them Read Only. During this time, you can search and read posts as much as you’d like, but you won’t be able to create or reply to any. On Friday, May 21, 2021, we say our final goodbyes.

However, just because we’re saying goodbye to the BYG forums doesn’t mean we have to say goodbye! We have a couple alternate ways to keep in touch.

First, our team is super active on Discord, and we’re super happy to chat and answer any questions. You can join the official Brace Yourself Games Discord at

Second, you can find the Industries of Titan and Phantom Brigade subreddits at r/IndustriesOfTitan and r/PhantomBrigade. If you’re a long time Industries of Titan or Phantom Brigade forum user who is going to join us on our trek over to the green hills of Reddit, please message the community manager u/Mackarooni with your forums username, and we’ll grant you a custom Flair.

We also have a community run subreddit over at r/NecroDancer if you’re a Crypt of the NecroDancer or Cadence of Hyrule fan!

If Reddit and Discord aren’t really your thing, that’s okay. You can always keep up to date with us on our social media channels like Twitter and Instagram. And if you’re off the social grid, well, you can always shoot us an email to [email protected].

Thanks for sticking with us through all this. We love and appreciate you.