An Update on Brace Yourself Publishing and Godless

30th May 2024

After careful consideration, Brace Yourself Games has decided to give Danil Kalyupa the opportunity to release Godless as an independent title. While we’re stepping back from officially publishing the game, we remain committed to supporting Danil’s success and are excited to see him flourish.

We’re deeply invested in Danil’s success as a game developer and are excited to see him take full ownership of Godless. To that end, we’ve agreed that he will not be responsible for any recoupment moving forward, allowing him to fully benefit from his hard work.

This transition enables us to focus on our internal projects while ensuring a seamless handover of Godless. We remain dedicated to supporting Godless through to its launch as advisors and are excited to see what Danil achieves in the future!

Brace Yourself Games is actively developing Rift of the NecroDancer, slated for release this year, and providing ongoing updates for Phantom Brigade.

You can follow Danil and Godless at the following links below.