Patch 0.20.0

Released: 7th December 2021


CORPORATE GOALS: New Victory Conditions to win the game!
SCRAP TECH: Scrap unwanted tech for half the time.
REBEL ATTACKS: Rebel attack waves are no longer endless.
NEW VOICE OVER: New VO for Braxton and Aenar.
and more!

Industries of Titan is in Early Access, which means we are actively updating and adding new content based on our roadmap and your wonderful feedback. As a quick note, Brace Yourself Games will be taking a holiday break during this upcoming month. The next Titan Tuesday update will still occur as scheduled on January 4th, but may appear lighter as we are taking the time to address bug backlog, and make less visible changes.

See the full patch notes below!

Changes as of 0.20.0

🪐 indicates changes due to community feedback!

Corporate Goals

  • Offer new ways to win the game
  • Each game will have 3 victory cards, one unlocked immediately, the other two will unlock over time, or you can pay to unlock them sooner
  • Each victory card will have 5 victory points, achieving 3 out of the 5 points on one card will allow you to claim victory
  • Two types of victory points, Revocable and Irrevocable
  • You can choose to claim victory as soon as one card is complete, or wait to complete additional victory cards

Tech Web Scrap Action

  • A new option for the tech web, you can now scrap a tech instead of researching it
  • Scrapping takes half the time that researching does, and will unlock all tech bridges connected to the scrapped node for free
  • Scrapping a tech will permanently remove it from the web making it unavailable for the rest of that playthrough! Scrap carefully!

New Voice Over for Braxton Daw and Aenar Pyr

  • Braxton Daw has found his voice! All lines from this advisor are now fully VO’d!
  • Aynar Pyr has also had their missing VO lines added in

Improved Employee Management Panel

  • You can now see all the buildings that can support employees in the employee management panel and assign/unassign employees to each building from there

Rebel Attacks

  • 🪐 Rebel attack waves will now stop when all rebel camps on the map have been destroyed
  • 🪐 Killing all the crew aboard a rebel ship will cause the ship to self destruct
  • Reduced time between rebel waves by 10%

UI Improvements

  • Claim and survey buttons were moved and re-ordered to resolve an issue that occurred with some localizations
  • Building level is now indicated on the thumbnail of the building
  • 🪐The Tech Web icon on the top left of the HUD will display the progress of the current research/scrap taking place
  • 🪐There will be a notification on the right side of the HUD when a research/scrap action completes
  • Xethane is now represented by purple instead of yellow
    • The overlay and map legend have been adjusted to match this

Animation Improvements

  • Improved shipyard repair animations
  • Improved shield device animations

Balance Changes

  • Increased Monument Center Isotop cost (36 > 144), energy requirement (24 > 64), Health (90 > 180) and Influence per minute gained (4 > 5)
    • Players continuing saves from the previous version that have already built the monument center will want to keep an eye on their energy usage when they resume after this patch
  • Decreased the activation cost of pylon ruins, secondary abilities for all ruins now have a chance to be free
  • Reduced the amount of Xethane emitted by Sinkholes and Cracks, they are now 50% stronger than Crevices making Xethane emitting ruins the strongest Xethane sources

Fixes as of 0.20.0

  • Fixed an issue with the achievement “A Minor Setback” not unlocking correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the achievement “Shields Up” could be unlocked by a rebel ship with a shield deflecting attacks
  • Fixed an issue with the Council Hall and Spaceport where the available storage space was being incorrectly displayed
  • Fixed weapon hotkeys getting unbound when swapping weapons in ships
  • Fixed power plants showing no fuel when no worker is assigned
  • Fixed operator tile not retaining it’s damaged sprite when exiting and entering combat view
  • Fixed employees becoming stuck when a connection job was paused mid way through
  • Fixed Large and Obsidian Ruins having incorrect titles
  • Fixed ability to enter the tech web while in the tech web