Patch 0.6.2

Released: 6th November 2020

Changes as of 0.6.2

? indicates changes due to community feedback!

  • ? Added a keyboard shortcut to enable and disable buildings and devices (P)! This can also be customized from the settings menu if you prefer a different key.

Fixes as of 0.6.2

  • Fixed a fractional resource error when dismantling a functioning smokestack
  • Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when exiting the game
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when Rebel ships didn’t finish rotating to their target and ended up flying off the map instead of towards the city
  • Fixed trucks being permanently reserved when a truck was leaving a job site to pick up more resources
  • Fixed hull HP not showing full width background
  • Fixed a shader issue when game was in low-FPS mode
  • Fixed trucks being incorrectly reserved if standing on a specific tile on the second floor of a building and given a job to pick up resources outside the building
  • Fixed trucks getting stuck after upgrading a Transport Hub (again)
  • Fixed burrow button showing 1 credit when the cost of burrow was over 999
  • Fixed some states not being cleaned up when launching a ship
  • Fixed destruction of rocks not being part of a job category, meaning all other jobs had to be completed before it would be done