Changes and New Features
🦾 indicates changes due to community feedback!
- 🦾 Replay is Here!
- We’ve added Single Turn replay into battles!
- You can play back the entire previous turn from start to finish, or you can scrub through the turn and replay from any point during the turn you want.
- Three different replay modes:
- Single Replay – Watch the turn back once, and then it stops once it ends.
- Looping Replay – The replay will jump back to the start and play again once it ends.
- Mirror Replay – The turn will play in reverse once it ends, and forwards once it reaches the start again.
- Simplified the Workshop
- Removed workshop charges, so you only need supplies and any components to build them now.
- You’ll still need to discover specific projects during your campaign though!
- 🦾 No more Negative Equipment Perks
- We have removed negative equipment perks from all equipment in the game. Positive equipment perks are still present.
- Perk names were also changed in order to be less confusing in some cases.
- 🦾 Fixed being able to place a dash into the next turn
- 🦾 Fixed the workshop not working after unlocking upgrades that add blueprints
- Fixed the Assault Rifle obtained from the Mountain Base being weaker than the starting AR
- Fixed exhausted pilots not showing a warning
- Fixed primary doublehanded weapons not switching correctly from a secondary melee weapon
- Fixed convoys being able to move beyond the map boundaries when fleeing the brigade
- Fixed some UI elements carrying into the title screen when exiting from the inventory screen
- Fixed the horizontal scroll bar in the upgrades screen not being able to scroll all the way left
- Fixed battles that liberate provinces not letting you salvage anything
- Fixed being able to resume time from the pause screen
- 🦾 Multiple landscape changes in maps to fix impassable spots and misplaced collision
- Fixed primary weapons being temporarily sheathed during the landing animation
- Fixed weapons switching before a dash when there is an attack command after the dash
- Fixed holograms being positioned incorrectly during waits between movement commands
- 🦾 Fixed the meteorite location sometimes appearing underground during the Meteor Crash Site scenario
- 🦾 Fixed vision/detection range not working when decoy drones are active
- Fixed melee weapons detaching from the mech model when a unit crashes while running
- Fixed unit holograms showing the running posture during dashes
- Fixed reputation rewards not being displayed in the post battle screen
- Fixed mechs crumpling to the ground if they collide with another unit while landing
- Fixed the updates window appearing over the projects list when you load a file saved in the workshop
- Fixed being able to move the base while choosing to rest & resupply or recruit pilots
- Fixed the “Maximized Storage” upgrade being impossible to unlock because of the component cap
- Fixed some animation issues with melee weapons
- Fixed AI units not leveraging the heat dissipation in rain
- Fixed multiple typos
- General performance optimizations